
Hello and welcome!

I’m so glad you’re here, and I look forward to sharing my work with you!

Instagram wanted me to select “what” I am and gave me a set of limited options: artist, writer, blogger, or musician. The reality is that I am a human person, not an internet personality. I’m not a “what” but a “who”—an artist and musician with an eclectic collection of passions, all surrendered to Christ my King.

I’ve organized my website so that it is easy to locate the content that you find most interesting. However, because I am a collaborative pianist, worship director, pastor’s wife, speaker, and writer of all genres, you’ll likely stumble upon writing or music that falls beyond your usual reading/listening material. This is a good thing, and I hope it refines your theology and broadens your creative horizons.

My current obsession is the fruit of the Spirit in worship music. Excerpts from my manuscript on this subject can be accessed under “Fruitful Worship.” If you would like to book me for a speaking engagement or worship workshop, please complete this contact form.

I am so glad you’re here, and hope you’ll subscribe here or follow me on Instagram. For more information, consider skimming my latest posts, or scrolling through my Instagram.

